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Every authentic product has the Reytek insignia etched on it.

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Stainless steel carts for use in a clean room

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As a complete design and build company, Reytek manages your project from start to finish. We have experience designing and building cleanroom equipment specific to the demanding requirements of our clients. Instead of keeping and storing our products, we build them for you when you order. Our engineers discuss your needs with you and then design our products to meet those needs. That makes it possible for us to adjust and customize any product. We purchase raw materials, design products, and then transform those raw materials into finished products.

Call 505.298.2338 to speak to an engineer about specific products. 

We do everything in house, including sheet metal fabrication, machine shop, finishing, packing, and shipping.

We manufacture furniture, equipment, and fixtures for cleanrooms and gown rooms. Our offerings range from fixed products – like cabinets, shelves, racks, and storage – to functional solutions like seating, step-ladders, stools, and more. We also carry a variety of additional items for your cleanroom, like glove boxes, tables and desks, carts, mirrors, and trays. Every authentic product has the Reytek insignia etched on it.

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